About Me

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I am a Christian wife, mother and independent woman with a spiritual gift of mercy. I do not consider myself I leader or a follower but a helper to a person with a common goal. I want to help people be the person that God wants them to be by working with them on spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of their life.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I am Thankful for my salvation! My husband that he chooses me and all the responsibilities of a family everyday. My family! My wonderful friends who have prayed fervently for my father. The fact I still have one grandmother still alive. My children are all saved, healthy and good hearted kids not to mention smart. My husband's job that allows me to stay home with the kids. All that Beachbody has taught me about myself. I am thankful for forgiveness and mercy and grace that comes from God and is demonstrated so well in my family. I am thankful for a safe neighborhood, community and area that I live in. And last but definitely not least or all but I am thankful for all the times God has "kept" me. Kept me from the accident or bad decisions or the person with bad intentions. Kept me safe. Kept me in his hand. I have been blessed and I am thankful and I pray God blesses each one of you greatly!!

"The Lord bless you and keep you; 
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

This little light of mine

2 Corinthians 4:6 days For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

Is your light like a candle flickering in the wind or like a lighthouse up on a hill guiding people to safety? 

There is a world out there that is lost, scared, drifting in the ocean called life looking for a lighthouse to guide them home. A lot of times people are so far out there they can't hear your offers to help but they can see your light from afar if it is big enough. 

Shine Bright!!!!

Make sure you are always casting a light out into this lost and dying world. You may be the only Jesus this world sees.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Strength from trials....

Do you allow trials to make your faith strong?  Do trials draw you closer to God or farther away? I would love to say more and closer every time but to be honest sometimes I am not so sure. The struggle is real. The struggle to believe God is sovereign and that he has a great plan for your life. The struggle to make sense of how great godly people get sick while people who by our standards deserve so much worse are walking around enjoying their lives. So what do I do in a world that seems so unfair?? I remember that my God suffered the most horrific most unfair loss imaginable.... The loss of a child. His child. His only child. And not to a disease, or a car wreck, or an overdose or any other random accident but a well thought out, purposeful sacrifice for everybody. For you and me. People who were not born yet, who had not even done any right or wrong. People who God knew would need Jesus because Why?? Because He. Is. Sovereign. Because he knows what we will need before we were even born. And that my friend is what I put my faith in. That sovereignty. That amazing grace that planned for my arrival, for my mistakes and for my needs. So do trials always make me have more faith or get closer to God maybe not at first but again God is sovereign. He knows that faith is like a muscle and without constant exercise it will be weak and useless. If you are in a trial, know God is the trainer working your faith muscle. Believe in his Sovereignty.  Draw close to him and he will make you strong.

Beachbody November Sales

Do you want to try Beachbody or have someone on your Christmas list who loves to workout? Beachbody is putting out their Black Friday Sale list for tomorrow. Message me and I will send you a list of items. Sale prices run any where between Free Shipping to 83% off!!!

November Challenge Pack Specials

The new PiYo® Kickstart Challenge Pack 
The PiYo® Challenge Pack 
The Ultimate Reset® 
The LES MILLS COMBAT® Challenge Pack plus a free small pair of gloves.
The LES MILLS PUMP® Challenge Pack 

Link to all Sale items  
(Sale starts Tuesday November 25th)

TurboFire® Original Kit

TurboFire® Deluxe DVDs + Journal http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/TRDlxDVDsOffer?referringRepId=334576

P90X® + FREE P90X Plus http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/P90XOfferEN?referringRepId=334576

P90X2® + FREE P90X Plus http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/X2Offer?referringRepId=334576

P90X3® + FREE P90X Plus http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/X3Offer?referringRepId=334576

LES MILLS PUMP http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/LMPOffer?referringRepId=334576

LES MILLS COMBAT + FREE COMBAT Gloves http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/LMCOffer?referringRepId=334576

Slim Series® http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/SL6Offer?referringRepId=334576

INSANITY: THE ASYLUM® Vol. 1 http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/AsylumOffer?referringRepId=334576

Hip Hop Abs® Dance Party Series - Rockin' Abs/Hard Body DVD http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/HHAS8DVDOffer?referringRepId=334576

Barbell Weights http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/WeightOffer?referringRepId=334576

LES MILLS COMBAT Gloves http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/LMCGLOVEOffer?referringRepId=334576

Barbell with Speed Safety Clips http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BarbellOffer?referringRepId=334576

Ultimate Reset Dry Brush http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BBURBrushOffer?referringRepId=334576

Beachbody® Jump Mat http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BBJumpMatOffer?referringRepId=334576

Stability Ball + Medicine Ball Combo Pack http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/StbMedBallOffer?referringRepId=334576

Step with 4 Risers http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BBStepOffer?referringRepId=334576

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Salt Dough Ornaments

We decided to make ornaments this weekend.
1/2 Cup of Flour
1/2 Cup of Salt
1/4 Cup of Water

Roll Out
Press Hand Print
Cut Out
Make sure you put a hole in it if you want to hangs it before you bake it!!

Regular table salt is the best. We had to improvise and use Kosher Salt so the texture of Chloe and Paige's is a little well not smooth.

The girls said they did these at school and you don't have to bake them just leave them out. But they also said the ones at school were fragile.

We plan on painting these or something but as of right now I have not decided how. Here is one idea from www.listia.com/auction/6646883-recipie-salt-dough-hand-ornament-easy-as. 

Feel free to send me your ideas.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Blueberry Cheesecake Oatmeal

Blueberry Cheesecake Oatmeal


1/2 cup old-fashioned oats

1/2 cup water, unsweetened almond milk, or skim milk

1/2 mashed medium banana

Splash of vanilla

2 tablespoons cream cheese (softened for 5 second in microwave)

1 teaspoon powdered sugar (more or less to taste)

Squeeze of lemon juice (optional)

1 tablespoon blueberries

Pinch of sugar


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine oats, water or milk, banana, and vanilla and pour into nonstick sprayed baking dish.

2. Combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, and lemon juice. Fold in blueberries. Place mixture in the middle of the oatmeal.

3. Drag knife up and down through lines to create a swirl. Bake for 20 minutes. Enjoy!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Homemade Dishwasher Tabs

1 cup washing powder 
1 cup borax
1/2 cup Kosher Salt
3/4 cup Lime juice

Mix the dry
Then add the liquid

Put in ice cube trays and let dry approximately 3 hours.

Once dry....
dump them and store them. 

I add vinegar to my rinse compartment in my dishwasher.

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