About Me

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I am a Christian wife, mother and independent woman with a spiritual gift of mercy. I do not consider myself I leader or a follower but a helper to a person with a common goal. I want to help people be the person that God wants them to be by working with them on spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of their life.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Life's "Obstacles" in a nutshell....

Life's "Obstacles" can be defined as a lot of things but I think the biggest one I deal with is mySELF. MySELF as in the person I am when I am not close to God. When I look back on the "obstacles" I have encountered they have always been there during a time in which I chose whether out of ignorance or arrogance to go down a road God never intended. I believe God lays out a generalized plan for all of us. The generalized plan I believe keeps our lives basically simple and relatively problem free i.e. following the ten commandments, etc. I also believe he has a specific plan as well and this is where we run into some problems i.e. we weren't listening or our faith was too small or we tried to get ahead of God due to lack of patience and one or all will greatly decrease the blessings in our lives. I also believe God will test us randomly during our specific plan to see if we are ready to move forward or whether we need to go through that class again. Every one's specific plan is different and based on how well we listen and our willingness to follow God's instructions determines our blessings. So the question was life's obstacles and "how" I deal with them. Well the "what" can be anything and the "how" never changes. 

My "how" of dealing with obstacles....Of course Prayer. Without prayer you can't know which way God wants you to go. Forgiveness of yourself and others. Forgiveness opens the door to prayers being answered. Don't continue to beat yourself up over a wrong turn because if God can forgive you then let it go. I also believe Faith is key. Faith in knowing that God is taking care of you and will work out everything for your good Having faith in God increases your positive outlook as well.  Patience and Self Control are other major factor. Once you get into a problem that God did not intend for you to be in I do believe with work you can come out of it and usually better for it but you have to have patience and self control not to give up because the road out usually takes longer than the road in. I believe it is in these moments that you strengthen your faith and learn how much God really loves you. 

This of course was just a broad spectrum answer. If you have a specific "obstacle" I may can help you with throw it out there. I may have been through it but if not I will be willing to give it my best "If it were me I would......." answer. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

About my kids....

Chloe is 9 years old ( yellow shirt on far left ). She is smart and independant. She loves sports and horses.

Paige is 7 years old (Garfield shirt on the far right ). She is creative and fashionable. Loves to dress up and dance.

Josalyn ( purple shirt middle right ) well she is my little mama. She loves playing babies and misses her sisters very much.

And then there is...

Noah (orange romper middle left) well he is all boy.... ALLL BOY!!! He climbs and runs and jumps and scares the life out of me and Scott on a regular basis. He enjoys his food by always making a mess if possible. I will say that I didn't want a boy but he has made me glad I have one. I would not change him for the world.

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