About Me

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I am a Christian wife, mother and independent woman with a spiritual gift of mercy. I do not consider myself I leader or a follower but a helper to a person with a common goal. I want to help people be the person that God wants them to be by working with them on spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of their life.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Time flies when you are having fun!

This is another milestone in my babies are growing up... My baby can reach the light switch. So sweet but so sad. I am so blessed to not miss these moments but at the same time I want to hold my ears when I hear that little voice say,"No mommy, I'll get it!!" and he does. I have always tried to teach my kids how to do things and ask them to try before I jump in and do it for them. I want them to be independent and ready to face the world when it is their turn to go out in it. I just want to slow down how long it takes that time to get here. It seems more these days that I get needed less and less since the baby is almost three (July). The saving grace is that I am still needed in a lot of places: "Mom, will you help me clean up?", "Mom, will you find my shoes?", "Mom, I can't find silly girl!!!",  "MMOOOOMMM, she kicked me!", "MOOOOMMM, Noah is in the ______!!!" (Fill that in with anything and everything because I am sure he has been in it.), "Mom, Will you hold me?" (which is what I am getting to do right now as I type this so bear with the typos). So the fun never stops around here. I would not want to miss this for the world. I just want to say if you have never had the opportunity to be a stay at home parent you should Do IT!!!! If you don't have that opportunity make the most of the time you have. Take a lot of pictures they grow up so fast and if you are the main picture taker in the family makes sure you stop and takes some of yourself. You don't want to look back over the last 20, 40, 60 years and realize you are not in any of them. Take time to slow down. All the toys and clothes and dishes can wait....One day it will just be you and there will be no toys to pickup and how many clothes and dishes can one person wear. 

For those of you who would like an opportunity to stay home with your family contact me and join my team of super people who put family first and are changing lives. I would love to have you.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Josalyn and Noah's loft bed....

We cleaned the room....
We built the frame.....
Stay tuned for more additions....

Noticing change one jump at a time...

I have a little brag on me story to tell but for you to understand my excitement I have to give you a little back story. I will try to make this short. After I had my third child I am became a full time mom because my awesome husband works really hard so I stay home. Well before that I had a job that allowed me to stay active and I worked out. I was in pretty good shape. At my fifteenth month of not working and strictly "life guarding" children I had my fourth child. Six weeks after birth I got the all clear to workout and I quickly realized I could not even do a jumping jack, you know that exercise that all elementary school kids can do forever. I could not even get my feet to lift off the carpet for the jumping part. I was way out of shape. Jump forward to last night at the Y, two weeks after I committed to Les Mills Combat training. I jumped up to block the ball because when you played back in the day you brain doesn't forget what to do. Even if your body can't do it!! And guess what? I blocked it... I really blocked it! My feet lifted off the ground enough to allow my hands to go above the net which is approximately 7' 8 1/4" tall. Now that people is amazing. I was so shocked I barely remembered I had to recover the ball. I had only been doing the workout for two weeks. Two weeks and I can jump like that. I can't wait to see what happens when I get to week four. I am so excited about my progress that I am going to race my children this weekend to see if I am any faster. New goal....be able to outrun my children because two weeks ago I could not do that either. If you want to join me in my progress and have a story to tell of your own go to Jill's Health and Fitness page and like my page and send me a message. I would love to support you in your journey and have you on my team.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

It is none of my business....

I recently went to a friend's funeral who died too young. This friend was funny, nice, friendly, well dressed, and drove a nice car. Once he died some people went to help clean out his house to find it was in a mess. He was I guess what most would call a hoarder. I would call it depressed but maybe it was both. No one knew his house was this way. Not his coworkers or his close friends. You would have never known. It was so sad to me because nobody knew. He was sick and died before he turned fifty and maybe just maybe he died from a broken heart. He had had a lot of rough patches in the last half of his life. I just wonder if he would have had someone ask or inquire could it have made a difference.

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