About Me

My photo
I am a Christian wife, mother and independent woman with a spiritual gift of mercy. I do not consider myself I leader or a follower but a helper to a person with a common goal. I want to help people be the person that God wants them to be by working with them on spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of their life.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Team Gained in weight/Team Lost in Inches

My results are not what I expected......

(and to be honest if I was a scale girl I would be a little sad!!!)

Luckily, I love pictures 
how my clothes fit
I measure results with a tape measure!!







I lost a total of 6 inches...
would have been 7 but I gained 1 in my chest.

My total weight loss from the beginning was 0 and I actually gained
.3lbs from the start...

Take pictures along the way....
your brain can't remember what you looked like from the beginning. 
It will help you stay motivated to be able to see your progress.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 40 photos

These are my Day 40 photos....
I have been putting my ADD to go use...
Les Mills Combat, P90X, Brazilian Butt Lift as well as a little walking/running with the kids....
whatever I feel like at the time while considering what muscle groups I worked the day before. 
I add modifications when needed and maybe add in an extra day of rest. 
But I don't quit 
if I cheat then I 
I am eating healthy and drinking Shakeology.

My shakeology page!!

 I have a day once a week where I eat whatever I want for dinner and breakfast and lunch the next day. 
So it feels like two days I get to cheat. 
And again I have a huge support system. My family, friends and all the coaches at Beachbody make it so much easier to push through a bad day. If you would like that kind of support contact me

@ My Beachbody website!!!

I feel so much better about myself and I have so much more energy to be a better  person, wife and mother. Don't wait until it is too late to get into shape. 
Your life depends on it. 

If you don't take care of yourself you can't take care of anyone else!!!!

Follow me on
for more health and fitness tips!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

DIY Barbie to Avengers ATV

We have two ATVs that we bought my first two girls when they were little. Well they are in great condition. I now have another two children but the problem is my youngest is a boy!!!! You just can't have your boy riding a hot pink Barbie ATV. Sooooo daddy to the rescue. This how it originally looked minus the Hello Kitty tape we put on the seat so my girl felt like she had something new.

We covered the seat with Avengers duck tape.
Then my husband covered the whole thing in satin spray paint for plastic in a little sand colored brown.

He took little leaves and queen palm fronds to hold in front of the spray to give it the camo look.
Gloves help to not get paint all over your hands.
For that layer we used a green spray paint.
The paint we used was leftover from when my husband camouflaged his boat so we purchased a new can of plastic paint and the duck tape for this project. 

We put another leaf layer on with the same leaves but using a lighter brown than the base coat.
Then we went back over the light layer with another green layer.
He did the wheels a tan solid color. They were originally white.
And here he is with his finished project....
Pretty inexpensive project to make a boy proud. We love Daddy!!! He rocks!!!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Exercising with older kids!!!

How do you exercise with older kids.....

to me it is way easier than exercising with little kids.

Three words.....


We had some girl time this weekend. My mom kept the little ones on Friday and we went for a run at the Park. They are going to run in a 5K with me so we are training three days a week. The video on the left is us running at the park. The middle two pictures are the girls running beside me in the neighborhood on Saturday. We actually took the little ones with us on that run. And the three pictures on the right are of the girls doing their cool down after we ran Sunday at the Park. We are using the 10K app on my Iphone to train for the 5K. It says to run three days a week so we are doing it on the weekend until school goes out then we will spread it out Monday through Friday. Our schedule is weird but we make the best of it. 

The cool part is that we are spending time together,
making memories,
building self-esteem,
and making a goal of running a 5K.

I hope I am building a foundation of healthy eating and exercising.

Join me in making families more active and healthy at

Thursday, March 6, 2014

How much weight I have lost at day 28!!!!

************** 1.5 pounds lost ***************

Everybody has the same questions when they see this picture, "How much weight have you lost?"
"How are you doing it?"
I will answer these questions in a minute. 
I want to start with what I have gained......
The picture on the left I am slouched and you can obviously tell I am not happy with myself. 
On the right I am standing taller. 
I have gained a lot of supporters and friends in this whole journey. 
Even people from other states have joined in my transformation. 
Which I must say is AWESOME!!!!! 
Thank you again for your support.

I have gained a healthier lifestyle which has resulted in more energy, more family activities, happier healthier children and has even helped me grow out my hair and nails which were very brittle before. 

OK enough with the positivity.....

I know you are here for the loss.

Before I start with what I lost I need you to understand that.....

is a horrible indicator of progress.

If you want more accurate results please learn to use these....
Beachbody Measurement Tracker and Tape Measure
(they came with my workouts)

so with that being said I lost

6 total inches!!!

I know, I know you want a pounds number!!! 
Well before I give you that you must understand that Muscle weighs more than Fat...
Your muscles are 70% water so if you think starvation helps you lose weight.... 


You lose water weight and muscle at the same time!!!

So we want to make sure we are drinking half our body weight in ounces in
Don't sacrifice success for the scales!!!

Make sure you are eating enough calories too. 
You can eat too many and gain weight but you can eat too few and go into "starvation mode". 
When the body goes into "starvation mode" it uses the proteins in the muscle to survive which causes a breakdown in the muscles. 
The fewer muscles you have the slower your metabolism.

Trivial fact...
You use 200 muscles to take one step. 
Depending on how you divide up muscle groups, just to take a single step you use somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 muscles. 
That’s a lot of work for the muscles considering most of us take about 10,000 steps a day.

So this whole time my goal has been to build muscle. 
I am not a scale girl. 
Never have been never will be. 
I care more about how I feel, the way I look 
how my clothes fit. 

Let the scales go people 
at least 
vow to weigh once in a while.

So last thing before I give you the number you have all been waiting for...

This is how I have been doing it......

If you are interested in change and need a place to start. Contact me at http://www.beachbodycoach.com/jfmomof4

found at the top of the page above the picture. If you take your mouse and highlight all the ******** it will show up.

If you can't figure it out email me and I will tell you. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 28 photos!!!

I just want to give a few Thanks in this blog...
  • I want to Thank God for always loving me no matter where I am and always forgiving me when I am not taking care of the life he gave me. I also want to Thank him for my health. 
  • I want to Thank my husband who works so hard for me to get to stay home with the children and for supporting me in this journey to the new me!!
  • I want to Thank all my supporters and followers.  If you know me you know how much all the likes and comments and questions have helped keep me on track. Having all you to hold me accountable has made all the difference in my success. Keep it up I need it. If you don't have an accountability partner...Call me!!
  • And I have to give a shout out to my baby girl Josalyn...She was my photographer in all my Before photos. I didn't have a smart phone yet so we used her Ipod. She did good didn't she.
If you like what you see and you want help getting there Click here!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tips for running with kids!!!

One of the hardest things for me is working out with children. 
So I have added a few tips that I think will help you because they help me.


Second.... TOYS for each kid. 
Sharing causes unnecessary fighting and is distracting to your workout.

The above snacks are healthy and entertaining. 
They have to work to eat both.

The peanuts... 
if the shells fall on the ground unlike plastic do not hurt the environment 
you do not have to stop your workout to pick them up. 
(Be careful with small children since peanuts are a choking hazard.)

The banana...
is the same way but I would pick up the peeling because it looks ugly on the ground 
but in the event they sneak in a litter on you..
you are in the clear. 

Water bottle for hydration
Gloves for cold hands because it is easier to stick with it if you are comfortable.
Headphones to pump up your workout!!!
Apps I recommend are FITRadio and 10K for Pink
And a good safe place to run.

Last but not least...
Rewarding the kids with feeding the ducks at the pond... 

Additional bonus....
cleaning out pantry of unneeded food in our new healthy eating lifestyle.

Working out with children can be challenging but it can be done.
Trust me if I can make it work anyone can.

Please visit me at Team Beachbody to look at a variety of workout programs to help you get moving!!!
You are one click away from a new you!!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

15 things you probably don't know about ME!

1) I can not stand wood!!! You know picnic tables, wooden handled knives, that part of a pencil that doesn't have the paint on it!! 2) I did not want boys!!! 3) I only agreed to have a boy for my husband because he wanted a boy(right now you are thinking I didn't have a choice but you don't know me. I have Jedi powers!!) 4) I am so happy I had a boy. He has been one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. 5) I learned to water ski when I was 5 and I was in the ski club. 6) I can play the trumpet. 7) I can not sing...at all.. unless you ask my kids and they love it. 8) I have always wanted a horse and I went to college to study them and they scare me. 9) I hate change unless it is making me or someone else better. 10) I go to the same vacation spot with the same amazing people every year at the same time and I have never missed a year even if it meant being enormous and pregnant and against doctor's orders. They deliver babies everywhere. 11) I got carjacked and kidnapped in Raleigh in 2002. 12) I never moved one time in the first 18 years of my life but I have moved 12 times in the last 18. 13) I have had four babies all were induced all were without epidurals and all were earlier than their due date(I was not staying pregnant any longer than I had to be... again I have Jedi powers). 14) I can read that tiny story on your driver's license without a magnifying device of any kind. The one that is in the front bottom left hand corner. (Yes there is a whole story there..) 15) I love to fish and I will bait my own hook but I will not take this fish off. Once at the beach I fished on the pier beside a guy I didn't know and still don't know. He was catching as many fish as he could as was keeping them. So I stood beside him and caught them and he took them off and put them in his bucket. One of the best working relationships I have ever had.

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