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I am a Christian wife, mother and independent woman with a spiritual gift of mercy. I do not consider myself I leader or a follower but a helper to a person with a common goal. I want to help people be the person that God wants them to be by working with them on spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of their life.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Did you just push me???

"Yes, come," Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.
Matthew 14:29

Does anybody ever wonder if Peter was pushed? 

When I was walking this morning I was thinking about how Peter could have possibly been pushed out of the boat. Maybe not but... I kind of had a picture of the kid on the side of the pool. You know with the fear it is going to be cold. The guy that would've went on his own but his friends thought that they needed a little bit of a shove. Doesn't mean his was not going to get in just means that he was a little scared and taking longer than they thought he should.

So what if Peter got a little shove from his buddies and when he stepped out there he said Hum... That's not that bad. I can do this. 

Recently some things were brought to my attention in a harsh way. Kinda like being shoved out of the boat. I was going to get out of the boat. I could see Jesus. I could hear him saying, "Come. Get out of the boat. Come and I will give you rest." But the waves were too rough, what I stood to lose was too much. I was scared. But when this set of circumstances happened it was like I was shoved straight out into the water. Now it is sink or swim. Well without Jesus, a place to put my trust, a safe place other than self reliance, I was sure to sink. 
So I took a deep breath closed my eyes and started to walk. And guess what I am walking. I am walking on water straight to Jesus. 

I will admit in the beginning I was not to happy about it. But I think  I am growing to love this facing my fears thing I am going through. The more fears I face the more I have to rely on God and the more I have to rely God the more power I have in my life. 
Now just like Peter whether he was shoved or not I am currently walking on the water. Sights set on Jesus. Every now and again I start looking left and right at all the waves and I get nervous and I start to sink. 
At that moment I go back to my knees. I go back to praying. I go back to focusing on Jesus.
Right now all I am getting done is the important stuff. Mainly talking to God and getting encouragement from His word. My house is a mess, my laundry is behind but I am at peace, my children are happier, I am starting to feel like a mom again. 
I am focused on God.
I am prioritizing my life with God's will.
I am making the devil frustrated at every second.
And I must say it all feels good.
My peace is returning because I have less to worry about. 
All the little things that I did that were for nothing that consumed my day because of fear and worry are gone and I have so much more time and patience with the world.

So for all of you out there...

And if someone close to you tells you something you needed to hear. Don't focus on the hurt or pain that it cause when you heard it. 
Don't focus on how they said it.
Don't focus on their intentions.
Focus on the truth.
Pray about it.
Decide if it is from God and if so....

Start walking on water!!!

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